An Airman encounters an intimidating Marine at the gym...
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When I was in the military, I was stationed at a joint base for a few years.
The base gym was massive, and I went there every day. I was in the Air Force, so I stuck mostly to lifting 10-pounds weights up over my head and walking at a 2.5% incline on the treadmill, but the Marines that went to the gym would go hardcore.
There was this one Marine who was like 6 foot 9 and looked like Thanos. He wore headphones and would mouth along, thrashingly, to whatever insane-o music he was listening to, specks of spit flying everywhere, while he tossed around garbage-truck sized weights.
Once, I saw him wearing this black zip-up mask thing that attached to a weight machine, and he was using it to lift like 300 pounds with his head!! I can't imagine which muscles that was exercising...
I thought he was a little bit intimidating, so I always avoided him, but one time he came and starting lifting massive weights right next to me. Sweat was pouring off him and huge veins were sticking out of his neck.
He was so close that I was able to recognize what song he was listening to as he mouthed it under his breath:
I'm still standing! Yeah, yeah, yeah...\ I'm still standing! Yeah, yeah, yeah...
He was jamming out to mid-80's Elton John!!
There are some songs that are just bangers...
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