When the sore loses gets everyone smoked
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Back in Basic, in a little place called Relaxin Jackson, tensions were running high in the second week of Red Phase. Growing up in a military family, I was familiar with the fuck-fuck games, and knew just to keep my head down and keep moving. No problems with anyone.
One night, after toe the line but before lights out, a fight broke out between two females. I rested yelling "Catfight!", watched the fight for a bit, than went back to my bunk. The fight was over a minute later and all was calm again. Or so I thought.
The lower went and told the DS on duty about the whole incident. She got all of us up and lined up. The DS just said "Alright, it's late, I don't want to be here, you don't want me here. You two apologize and we can all go to bed." One girl didn't like this alternative ending to the day, and preceded to get right up in the DS's face. The DS backed her up quick, fast, and in a hurry. The next thing I know, we are on the parade deck, doing flutter kicks.
Moral of the story: What happens in the barracks, should stay in the barracks.
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