Told to come to Drill despite having pink eye. Sgt Moron later regrets that.
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National Guard. I got Pink Eye once the day before Drill weekend. Called my Sgt. and was told I still had to come to first formation. I told him that's a bad idea because it's Very contagious and I could spread it to the whole company and that I'd be happy to make up the Drill when it clears up. He says, "I don't care. You're not a doctor. It's probably nothing. Your ass Better be here in the morning." I even offered to send a photo of my eye. No dice.
I drive an Hour to my Unit Saturday morning and no one with any authority will see me, cause they're too busy or not there yet. Then about 5 minutes before first formation, I find the company First Sgt. and ask him if I can see a medic about my pink eye. He looks at me, looks closer, and blows the fuck up. "Why the HELL are you here if you have pink eye!!! You could give that shit to everyone here! Why didn't you call in sick?!?!"
"I tried First Sgt. I called yesterday and Sgt Moron said I'm not a doctor and 'my ass better be here this morning,' so I'm here."
"Goddammit!" Then he flags down a different Sgt, tells him to take me up upstairs to our little in house Medical office and get checked out. Then he left to go chew Sgt Moron a new one but not before turning back and yelling, "And Don't Touch Anything!"
So we go, Doctor immediately says, "Yep, you have pink eye. These are the drops you need to buy. You're dismissed from this Drill. Head to CVS, get these drops, and go home. Get with your leadership and you can make up this weekend when your eye clears up." (Note: This was just an Armory so we didn't stock any actual medical supplies beyond band aids and ibuprofen.)
"Yes, Sir!"
So I leave, get the drops, and drive an Hour all the way back home. It was just Such a fucking waste of time and gas. Found out Monday that by Sunday afternoon, 3 other Specialists had pink eye symptoms and left early and Sgt Moron got an official dressing down by the Company Commander for this fuck up. All of it could have been avoided. His excuse? "I thought TheFiredrake was lying." Ugh. Never missed a drill in 6 years but sure, I'm gonna gonna start now.
I Did make up the Drill weekend 2 weeks later over a Tuesday and Wednesday, and Sgt. Moron wouldn't even look at me, let alone apologize. Just gave me a list of simple chores to work on and left me to it for 2 days. Smh. Some people shouldn't be in a leadership position.
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