There's one in every crowd...
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Wayyyy back in the mid 70's when I attended "A" School (for you army types its a school to teach you basic MOS training) and I was a young green teenager, this happened. This is not a story about me but one of my classmates.
Now Seaman (SN, E-3) Greenhorn, obviously not his real name because I can't remember his real name, was a real hick. 17 or 18 years old, fresh off the mid-western farm, and everything was new to him. We really had to look out for him as he was green as little green apples off his farm.
One day he didn't show up for class. The instructor asked the 17 of us where SN Greenhorn was. We all looked at each other and had to say we didn't know. The instructor started to lecture us about looking out for each other as we are a team, yada yada yada. When he finally ran out of steam he started to teach the class.
SN Greenhorn finally showed up about 2 hours later holding a paper. The instructor bellowed, SN Greenhorn, where the hell have you been?" He proudly waved the paper and announced to the instructor and class that he went to sick call. The personal side of the instructor showed up and asked if everything was OK?
SN Greenhorn replied that he could hardly walk that morning he was in so much pain, so he went to sick call. He continued with his tale that he was told by the Corpsman that he has a problem with his gonads.
Immediately everyone again looked at each other fearing the worst. SN Greenhorn continued that the corpsman told him to take the morning off and take care of business and sent him on his way. The instructor asked then why are you here?
SN Greenhorn said that he was confused. The instructor bellowed, "What don't you understand about taking the morning off and taking care of business??? You shouldn't be here!"
SN Greenhorn, with that innocent face, looked the instructor in the eye and said, "I don't know what 'Choke Your Chicken' means.
When the instructor could breathe again after the longest belly laugh (along with the rest of the class) he drug him outside.
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