My Great Uncle’s Story
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This is a second hand story from mother about her uncle. He’s married my maternal grandmother’s sister. He served in World War 2 in the European theater. The story I have is this:
He and his squad were in a fire fight with some Germans. I was never told the city or location. However, over the course of the fight, most or all of his brothers in arms fall to enemy fire. At the same time, it’s clear...
How We Carry It
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Every family has their secrets, and ours was that Yia Yia was a bit crazy. One could point to her sudden and animated outbursts of anger in awkward places. Her decades of pill popping that made her loopy and fall over. There was her seemingly random religious proclamations. Her lifelong gambling obsession. Her propensity to nick items from stores without paying for them, and sometimes getting...
I can absolutely refuse a NJP and I will SSGT.
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This is a story that happened to me circa 2004 in the USMC. It's an example why it's important for all service members to know their rights to refuse certain punishments.
At the time I was a newly promoted Lcpl (E3 in the USMC) and I got notified that I was selected for a random urinalysis (piss test).
No problem for me, I had never abused any sort of drug. I didn't even drink yet because I was 20...
The French Infantryman Stories : An unknown Grandma
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Hi again brothers and sisters. Even if the title changed, you might recognize me from my First Story, my Second Story, my Third Story, my Fourth Story, my Fifth Story, my Sixth Story (Pt.1) and my Sixth Story (Pt.2). Once again, thank you for all your support. Writing is my therapy, you reading it is part of it. Thank you for your caring and loving comments. Merci beaucoup.
I'm starting to realize...
Mod announcement - We welcome everyone here - military or not.
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I want to make that clear.
I've gotten the impression talking to some of you in private chats or in the comments that you are hesitant to engage here. This is a veterans community, but it isn't a closed one. Think of it as some type of performer who stays and mingles after the show and genuinely has a good time doing so. The veterans entertain, and our civilian supporters hang out after for Q&A...
sad boot
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We had this guy go down after shots one day in bootcamp. A couple of days later he got kicked out. I always wanted to know how his life turned out.
Platoon 3097 had a boy that got ill and was sent home
As he left that day with head hung low he took one more look to say, "time will heal my boyish pride and restore my boyish blunder, but I would give all my peace to join you in the thunder"
I hope...
Czechoslovak Vet Story 4 - Explosives and Leadership
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Let me first thank you for your comments, your updoots and generally the warm welcome I have received from y'all. I strongly appreciate all of you and am genuinely enjoying all the stories posted on this board. I have the last 3 stories my dad told me. Going to be a longer one, but I figured that I would wrap it up and not spam the board anymore.
Story 1 - Explosives and flying water
The Recce...
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On an activation a friend of mine introduced me to DND and gave me a few character sheet to fill in for us to play after work. During work I was manning a front desk for check in at a medical site and while it was slow I got to setting up my character. So caught up by it I didn't realize someone walk up dehind me. A gruff "What are you doing," pulled me from it to notice a old SGM with solid chest...
A BMT Chowrunner story
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i originally wrote this as a comment on a non-military-related post and was told you all might appreciate it. so please pardon all of the explanatory commas and such
i was the chowrunner for my flight in USAF basic training (boot camp).
i thought it was weird when my instructor assigned only that for my additional duty since most people had either laborious AD's or two of them. so i frequently...
A Saturday evening in Boot Camp
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Thia was originally a comment I made on someone else's post. I was asked to post it as a stand-alone. This was almost 50 years ago in the glorious 70's in a different world than the one we live in today...
When I was in boot camp (a couple hundred years ago), our barracks was an X shaped building with a square Quarter deck in the center with offices off the quarter deck. In the legs of the X was...