Ruckle Charlie Bravo'd Me!
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So, I didn't think I had any more tales about our favorite super soldier When I was doing a zoom chat with some old friends and they reminded me about the time that Ruckle cock blocked me. I had completely forgotten about this until he reminded me of it.
So , you might remember from my past posting about the fight club that was set up by one of our lieutenants. It was amazing to say the least. Now I had competed there a few times and in one instance, I had actually taken on Ruckle.
Note: whooped his ass. See the fight club post for more details.
So fast forward a few weeks. Obviously, Ruckle had been upset with his loss to me. To be honest, he always got butthurt after he lost. He didn't fight often, and he'd never won. He always had some lame ass excuse for why he lost. And never had anything to do with the fact that he had no skill, no heart, and no guts. He had balls, but they were STD infested micro balls.
Around this time, I had been flirting with an SPC who was a Dental Specialist. She was Is Puerto Rican and had the most amazing butt. There is a country song that came out a few years ago about a honky-tonk badonk a donk. I honestly believe this song was written about her butt. I met her when I went in for my cleaning. I flirted with her during the whole process and even asked her out. She said no originally, but I ran into her on post a few times and made small chat with her. Eventually, after a few weeks, I made some headway, and she agreed to go out to dinner with me.
Now, about 3 hours before I was supposed to pick her up to go out , I got a phone call from her stating that she was canceling our date. She won't tell me why. I wasn't deterred, though. I wasn't going to force her or stalker to go out with me, but I wanted to know the reason why she canceled at the last minute . So I went ahead and drove my truck over to her barracks. She did agree to talk to me, but she was very cold and seemed very p***** off at me.
So why did she cancel our date? She heard from a friend of hers on post that I used to date a stripper. According to her friend, I dated her for 6 months and was totally obsessed with her. That I said that no other woman could compare to her.
Now, I met that when I was a young private 1st class, I did date a stripper. However, she did not work in a strip club. She actually worked in an adult theater where she danced in a booth for money. The more money the guys put into the slot the more clothing she took off. She never saw their faces and they never touched her. I was completely fine with that. She was gorgeous. I mean, just gorgeous. 6' tall with beautiful blonde hair and an amazing body. But I had not seen her, talked to her, or even really thought about her in over a year and a 1/2. I had one photo of us that I kept in a box somewhere in my wall locker.
I had only mentioned her to a few others. I asked her who her friend was who told her this, and she wouldn't tell me their name. She asked me if it was true, and I told her that I had dated a stripper for a few months, that I didn't have a crush on her, and I hadn't even thought about her in a long time. And then she went on this rant about her friend telling her all sorts of horrible things about me and saying that I was also a bully to her friend. She then mentioned that her friend said that I had attacked him.
I cannot for the life of me to figure out who she was talking about. I just couldn't think about whose ass I'd kicked and didn't even know it. But then it came to me. I asked her if it was Ruckle. She did not answer me right away, but after a short pause, she said yes.
That bastard had cock blocked me with a girl that I didn't even know he knew. After a little investigation after this conversation I had with her, I found out that he overheard that I was into this girl and went out of his way to befriend her and be smirk my name. This bastard had literally dedicated time to keeping me from hooking up with a beautiful Puerto Rican woman.
About a week after she had canceled our date, she actually tracked me down and told me that she had heard from other people that ruckle was not to be trusted. That he was a douchebag that just like to get into women's pants. I mentioned that he does like to go ahead and get into women's pants and he likes to leave a nice STD gift to remember him bye.
She asked if I was serious, and I said yes I was. She then apologized to me and asked if we could go out to dinner. I told her that the next evening that I would have free wouldn't be for about a week. She said that would be fine and we made plans.
Two days later, she called me on my cell phone and told me that Ruckel had been in contact with her to try to get a date with her to make up for the fact that she almost went out with me. Apparently she told him off and told him that her and I were going to go out. This really pissed him off and he went around the barracks telling people how I had cock blocked him after he had so masterfully cock blocked me.
As a result of this, somehow and under mysterious circumstances, the door to Ruckle's room had been super glued shut. Somebody, and I have no idea who, must have been so annoyed with his antics in this situation that he put super glue on the corners of the door and shut it.
Okay, it was me. But to be honest and fair, this wasn't the first time any of us had super glued his door shut. Or had tied off the door knob across the room so he couldn't open the door to leave his room. I did go on a date with her. Even had a second date with a handjob session to finish it up. Never got any further though. Apparently, she had a thing for another guy who worked in medical and after two dates with me, he had apparently asked her out and she was thrilled. Oh well. I still got some fun with her and got revenge on Ruckle.
I had actually completely forgotten that I had gotten them back with this until my friend reminded me of it. I'm trying to think about any other instances I had with this super soldier and if I can think of any more stories, I'll let you all know.
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