Me and PTSD
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Well its me again and this is personal and a issue Most in uniform struggle with.
While I never saw combat some of the things that happened while training and some of the issues with some of the people in my unit left large emotional scars.
My childhood was one of phycological abuse while at the time didn't know it was being done. its yesrs later and I finally figured it out.
Ive told who inspired me to join the military. While at meps I was almost failed due to almost no arch in my feet, and poor eyesight from a gentic mutation that one in fifty have. that alone almost crushed me.
while at basic because of constantly getting bad shin splints from rucking long distance for the road marches, I was verbally assaulted by my platoon mates. I delt with my physical pain and worked on no falling behind because of my shin splints.
I was assaulted by another private while on a detail and was almost given a article 15 because he made it out to be me assaulting him except a captain from another company saw the issue and told my drill sergeants.
I also have Attention deficit disorder so parts of basic and AIT were easy and some were difficult AIT I got assaulted by a Sargent from another company because I was polishing my boots on the bleachers behind our barracks.
I got sleep deprivation which is not uncommon for combat on four different occasions during training the most was four days. I told that story.
there is more to this that i still have to work through before I can tell. it.
I think Just about everyone who has served wether peace time or at war has some sort of ptsd. Our indoctrination in to the military leaves aome sort of mental scars that we all bear.
some more than others. I had a young lady I grew up with get raped in the air force by her superior. I head many stories from men, women, non binary of assaults and things that should not happen.
thanks for listening
Spc Vortish
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