Fight at the club, MP's and a gun
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Back in the day the Junior NCO club (enlisted club) was a happening place- a little because we loved to drink, and a lot because we couldn't afford to go downtown to the bars. Most of us were young, and along with that came the inability to hold our alcohol, make good decisions, and general stupidity.
One Friday night the place was hopping and a fight broke out. It didn't take too long before the fight spread, and in no time at all the whole place was swinging, minus our little table in the corner. The bouncers went down pretty quickly and the MP's were called. The first person to respond was a female MP who, to be honest, had no hope in stopping 100+ drunk soldiers. She stopped beside our table, assessed the situation, and to her credit took a deep breath and waded in. No one hit her (guys didn't hit girls back in the day) ( hope it's still the same now) but no one paid her any attention either. This pissed her off, but instead of going back outside and waiting for re-enforcements she drew her service pistol and yelled "stop fighting now or you're getting shot!" (!!!!)
It's one thing to get stupid drunk and break some noses- but it's an entirely different thing to die over a stupid bar fight.
Bud and I were still sitting at our little table off in the corner enjoying the show when she pulled out her gun. Before I could even grasp what was going on he was out of his seat, across the bar and took her gun away from her (again, !!!!) telling her not to be so stupid. She squawked and unassed the bar, he unloaded the pistol, pulled the slide off and banged on the (shuttered) bar until the bartender opened it enough to slide the pistol in, out of danger and safe.
Briefly discussed running before the shit storm arrived, but we were too late as the doors flew open and MP back up arrived.
I had NO idea we had that many MP's on the base, nor that they could move that fast....LOL, nightsticks and riot batons flew, and despite us being (what we thought of anyways) as the good guys we got our asses handed to us too.
As far as I know no paperwork got filed, no names forwarded to the adults, like it never happened. We suspect they didn't like losing the gun (nor drawing it in the first place) so we all got a "gimme".
Glad I'm past the Friday night stupid drunk stage, but man we had some good times while it was on!
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