Confusing two "dummies"
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Back in 2003 I was in basic training for the Army. In my platoon we had some, not so bright individuals. One morning one of these soldiers had to go on sick call and was not around for weapons draw. This day was training on drill and ceremony and upon this soldiers return he was given a dummy rifle to practice with.
Everything had been going as normal with the drill sergeant giving commands and us soldiers executing. This was until he needed to show us a rifle maneuver. The drill sergeant asked "where's my dummy" and plain as day this soldier responded "right here drill sergeant".
While not the most exciting thing that happend it was a much needed laugh as the drill sergeant had to go into his office for 20 minutes so we did not see him laugh. This "dummy" passed his training and I hope he is doing well, but I will never forget the day of 2 dummies.
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