Bringing an ice cream cone to a nuclear holocast
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Late 1960's. I was on a Polaris submarine. I had just made an ice cream cone at the softy machine, sprinkled some chopped nuts and put a cherry on top. "BONG BONG BONG GENERAL QUARTERS MAN BATTLE STATIONS MISSILE MAN BATTLE STATIONS MISSILE BONG BONG BONG..." and so on. Not being one to waste an ice cream cone, I carried it through the boat as I ran to my battle station in Manuvering. My division officer thought only a crazy person would bring an ice cream cone to Armageddon. When we were back in port I got sent to see a pshrink. He said "They think you are crazy because you don't like it there. I think you would have to be crazy to like it there, but I can't put that in your record." He wrote "Petty Officer BobT21 shows antisocial tendencies, however this should not interfere with the performance of his duties."
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