A Fucking mountain lion
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OIF 06/07. We are raiding (redacted)’s house, not because we thought anything bad about them, but because they fed us info and we didn’t want to signal AQI that they were important by leaving them alone. Me and my buddy are on the roof pulling security wearing our night vision devices, PVS-14s to be exact.
Now the thing to know about these is that they only cover one eye, so your depth perception sucks.
So anyways we are pulling security and I see something. It’s a Fucking mountain Lion, in Iraq, walking down the middle of the road. Which makes no Fucking sense. I tap my buddy going, “Do you see this shit?!” He’s like WTF?!?!
And then, the house cat jumps off the wall it was walking on into the bushes never to be seen again, forced perspective is a mother fucker.
(In case I’m not being clear, a cat was walking on a wall between us and the road making it look like it was on the road and far bigger then it actually was)
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