«Vatreni zid 16» live-fire artillery exercise conducted in Croatia
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The live-fire artillery exercise titled “Vatreni zid 16“ (Firewall), conducted at the Military Training Range “Eugen Kvaternik” near Slunj in the period 24-30 October 2016.
It is the first live-fire artillery exercise conducted according to NATO procedures, employing battery/platoon-sized artillery units, a signal unit, an engineer unit, a NBC Defence unit, the Military Police and the Support Command element. The objective was to demonstrate the trainedness and preparedness of the Croatian Army’s artillery units for quick and effective preparation and implementation of combat units in an inter-branch and inter-service operation. The Exercise engaged some 300 members of the Croatian Armed Forces, and the Artillery-missile Regiment of the Croatian Army was the main authority. The Commander of the Regiment – Colonel Tomislav Pavičić. Was the Exercise Commander, and Lieutenant Colonel
The Exercise engaged some 300 members of the Croatian Armed Forces, and the Artillery-missile Regiment of the Croatian Army was the main authority. The Commander of the Regiment – Colonel Tomislav Pavičić. Was the Exercise Commander, and Lieutenant Colonel Marijan Cikuš the Exercise Director. “The live firing we have today
“The live firing we have today perfomed has demonstrated all units to be trained and ready for their respective duties. The Exercise has been conducted as planned and displayed the artillery weapons used to be accurate, allowing engagement of the planned targets“, said Colonel Pavičić.

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