Ukrainian military conducted a successful test of new Stiletto armour-piercing bullet
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The Central Armament and Military Hardware Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has recently conducted trials test of new armour-piercing bullet developed by Ukrainian-British Stiletto Systems Ltd. company.
Conducted tests demonstrated that cartridge 5.45×39 with Stiletto armor-piercing bullet is able to pierce 15 mm Armstal 500 armor plate at 100 m range with 100% expectancy. At the same time, the B-32 bullet of 7.62mm cartridge from Soviet machine gun was unable to penetrate armor plate.
Designed specifically for support tactical level operations on the battlefield, the Stiletto armor-piercing bullet is intended to defeat a spectrum of target types – ranging from air targets to both so and armoured ground targets.
The Stiletto Systems company has carried out a range of tests and experiments for 7,62x39mm and 5,45x39mm calibre ammunition including firing, both with steel and carbide-tipped core.
For now, Stiletto bullets can guarantee piercing absolutely any type of bullet-proof equipment, hitting successfully frontal armor of both Soviet and modern infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers; hitting targets protected by concrete frames or sheltered at pillboxes or armored modules.

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