Ukrainian designers unveils concept of military transformer flying vehicle
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Ukrainian designers unveiled the concept of military transformer flying vehicle for Special Forces.
All Military forces around the world are seeking for more efficient solutions to provide high level of mobility and stealth of their special forces.
The electric power assumed to be the most suitable thing to meet these requirements. Electric drive unit would warrant low center of gravity that means better stability, provide silent driving and invisibility in infrared specter.
It is known that attempts to engage electric drive unit to military vehicles were started long time ago and today testing of electric drive are continued. It is true also for vehicles for Special Forces and we know some examples of electric and also hybrid drive.
Possibility to charge the electric drive through solar power by using flexible high-performance solar panels is also significant factor.
- CERV (Clandestine Extended Range Vehicle)
- RST-V (Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Targeting Vehicle) Shadow
- JTEV (Joint Tactical Electric Vehicle)
- FED (Fuel Efficient Demonstrator) Bravo
All above mentioned vehicles have highly specialized field of usage and show us classical approach of vehicle exterior and interior arrangement.
Meet E-LSFV concept – brand new vision of Electric Light Special Force Vehicle that use new approaches of vehicles arrangement and allow to bring customers more flexibility of choosing way of efficient usage of this vehicle.
Showed concept is vehicle with the base frame, total curb weight to 3 tons, has a crew of two people, can carry squad of four. Also, vehicle is armored in front and bottom parts.
Concept proposes two electric engines (up to 80 kW each) near front and rear axles. Electric batteries are situated in the bottom of vehicle.
One more news is that concept vehicle could be used in couple with flying platform (operated from driver place) and flying platform could be used as drone for supplying and evacuation separately.

Such way of rising mobility is foreground in US where under the government program Transformer (TX), which is funded by DARPA, already were presented number of related concepts:
- Tyrannos from Terrafugi
- Vehicle from AVX Aircraft Company
- Vehicle from AAI Corporation
- Working prototype Black Knight
Another feature of the concept is the presence of LED-based lighting in standard block, which consists of two identical interchangeable parts which, in turn, can be equipped with standard sized light engineering or other equipment, depending on the tasks.
This approach to lighting technology can greatly simplify and reduce the cost of the entire chain of work related to the design, manufacture, supply, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of all types of terrestrial military and other vehicles, first of all, its lighting devices.
The main obstacle to the start of production of electric cars for military use today is the lack of capacity of the existing production of batteries, their time of charging, and a significant amount of weight.
It is assumed that after achieving in the coming years their ability to ensure the progress in accordance to mentioned conditions and bringing ability for vehicles to drive up to 800 km and the charging time to 70% of battery capacity for 5 minutes, this concept car will be fully justified and requested.

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