Two Swedish JAS 39 Gripen aircraft landed on a Finnish road base
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The exercise for the Finnish Air Force, designated Baana 2015, took place during the week at Hosio road base. They were testing their new base concept during the exercise, where part of a normal road becomes a temporary runway. During the whole week they carried out a large number of “touch and go” manoeuvres, meaning that Finnish fighter pilots and cadets approach the road base, touch down and immediately take off again.
The 211th combat air division participated in this exercise with a pair of JAS 39 Gripen aircraft in the context of cross-border training. On the Wednesday, Gripen aircraft started out from Kallax with the goal of landing at Hosio road base.
According to the deputy chief of division, the flight posed no problems, but the approach needed much concentration due to overcast weather with low clouds. In addition, none of the pilots had seen the road base previously.
“We flew over the area at high altitude prior to carrying out a visual landing on the road,” says Daniel Jannerstad, deputy chief of division at the 211th combat air division.
Landing visually means that pilots must have a clear view since there are no technical approach aids, which are normally provided at fixed air force bases for the Swedes.

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