Turkish company successfully tests its new mobile laser weapon system
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Turkish company Aselsan has reported that a recently developed laser weapon system, installed on the 4×4 Amazon multipurpose armoured vehicles from BMC, has been successfully tested.
According to the company’s statement, the new laser defense system (LSS), developed by Turkish defense giant Aselsan, has been successfully tested on Saturday.
The LSS was developed to effectively eliminate threats posed by unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles at the range of 500 meters as well as improvised explosive devices and suspicious roadside packages at the range of 200 meters reported the Undersecretary for Defense Industries Ismail Demir.
In the successful tests, the system’s high power laser source, very low cost of shots, high-capacity magazine, continuous shooting, optical target detection and advanced target tracking system were highlighted.
More: Russian state media released video showing modern “plumbing” laser gun
Laser Defense System (LSS) is developed against mini and micro UAV threats up to 500 meters, camouflage systems at residential areas used by terrorists and IED and roadside suspected packages up to 200 meters.
Priority usage is for ship platforms, power plants, airbases, border patrol stations, headquarters and convoy routes.
- Applications
- Base Protection
- UAV Defense
- IED and Suspected Package Neutralization
The defense company ASELSAN designs, develops and manufactures military communication systems, radar and electronic warfare systems, electro-optical systems and defense and weapon systems for the Turkish military, in addition exports abroad.
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