Pictures of evacuation of the broken Polish 152mm DANA self-propelled artillery
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Pictures of evacuation of the broken Polish 152mm DANA self-propelled artillery.
The DANA (the name being derived from “Automaticky nabíjené samohybné dělo”(self-propelled auto-loading gun)) is a wheeled self-propelled artillery piece. It is also known as the Samohybná Kanónová Húfnica vzor 77 (ShKH vz. 77) (self-propelled gun howitzer model 77); and was designed by Konštrukta Trenčín and built by ZTS Dubnica nad Váhom in the former Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia).
Introduced in the 1970s it was the first wheeled 152 mm self-propelled artillery gun to enter service. It is based on a modified 8×8 Tatra 813 chassis with excellent cross-country mobility.
Currently it is in service with the Czech Republic,Libya, Poland, Georgia and Slovakia.

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