Missile Defense Agency awards Lockheed Martin with $327M contract for Aegis BMD 6.0 capability
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Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems, a business unit of Lockheed Martin, has been awarded a $500 million contract for design, develop, integrate, test and certify the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) 6.0 capability.
The contract, from the U.S. Missile Defense Agency and announced on Friday, is valued at more than $327 million.
Aegis BMD 6.0 provides an increased BMD capability by incorporating the Air and Missile Defense Radar, now designated SPY-6, for introduction on the first DDG Flight III. The work will be performed in Moorestown, New Jersey, with an estimated completion date of December 2025.
The primarily ship-based system, Aegis BMD 6.0, will enable BMDS element utilization of AMDR data for remote engagement and supplement deployed assets with simultaneous multimission capabilities (e.g. Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD)). It will include IAMD planning; search, track, and discrimination. SPY-6 will support force level (multi-asset) approach to raid defense and enable U.S. Navy ships greater stand-off range from threat environments.
Weapon System Capability Insertion will capture Aegis BMD capability upgrades to modernized U.S. Navy Destroyers (FLT II, IIA and III). Future capability developments beyond Aegis BMD 6.0 will incrementally continue to provide increased BMD capability with the SPY-1 and SPY-6 radars.
These will include further updates for advanced threats, advanced mission planning, search, track, discrimination improvements; and kill assessment updates. SPY-6 will support force-level (multi-asset) approach to raid defense and will enable U.S. Navy ships to have a greater stand-off range from threat environments.
These future capabilities will serve as the path forward to achieve BMDS Increment 6 requirements and beyond for all COTS based open architecture baselines
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