Iran received AeroVolga LA-8 amphibious aircraft from Russia
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The Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has received an 8-seat amphibious aircraft designed and built in Russia.
During an official ceremony in Bandar-e Abbas, IRGC Navy has received new AeroVolga LA-8 amphibious aircraft, on 13 December.
“Aircraft that joined the Naval Force with various capabilities for patrol, identification, support, rescue, firefighting, maritime transport, and … the ability to land in the water”, said the naval commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Admiral Ali Fadui during a ceremony.
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The AeroVolga LA-8 is an 8-seat amphibious aircraft designed by Russian Scientific-production association (NPO) «AeroVolga». The new amphibious aircraft is designed to operate in all latitude and climatic zones, in fresh and salt water. The aircraft’s landing gear allows operating from paved and unpaved runways, including ground, asphalt, and snow-covered runways. Seagoing ability allows operating with wave height up to 0,6 m. Minimum length of runway is 400 m. Runway absolute altitude up to 1 500 m for piston version and 2 500 m for turboprop version.
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The LA-8 is largely built from plastic foam and PVC filled glass fibre sandwich. Its wing is divided into watertight compartments. The LA-8 has a tricycle undercarriage with mainwheels retracting into the fuselage sides and the nosewheel retracting rearwards. A ballistic parachute is an option.

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