A Syrian Journalist Has Posted Photos of Russian Radio station R-166-0,5
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A Syrian journalist has posted these photos claiming these are Russian radio station R-166-0,5 in Syria.
The vehicle can be seen escorted by Syrian military personnel, likely belonging to the National Defence Force (NDF). Far more interesting however is the soldier sitting near the open hatch of the vehicle. Seemingly unaware that a photo is being taken, he is wearing the Russian Army’s standard digital flora uniform, once again proving that we’re truly dealing with Russian military personnel.
The P-166 is designed to provide duplex or simplex channels of communication simultaneously in two independent radio networks, HF and VHF bands.
The R-166-0.5 provides jam-resistant voice and data communications over a long range, enabling Russian troops to communicate with their bases in the coastal strongholds of Tartus and Lattakia while operating far inland.
It provides a range of up to 2 thousand kilometers on HF (reduced to 750 km while the vehicle is moving) and up to 250 km in the UHF band.
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