Congress Halts F-35 Turkey Transfers, Punts On Space Force
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CAPITOL HILL: The Senate and House have come together on a $716 billion defense spending report that would prohibit the transfer of F-35 jets to Turkey, expand American aid to Asian allies to counter China and add ships and other technology funding lines above the White House request. The National Defense Authorization Act Report was… Keep reading →
EXCLUSIVE: What Multi Domain C2 May Look Like: Raytheon’s Rick Yuse
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The video will give you an idea of what may become the combat center of the future, but one dispersed around the world, instead of being concentrated in a few hyper-secure (but potentially targetable) facilities.
US Needs Hi-Lo Mix Of ‘Exquisite’ & Affordable ISR: Intel Official
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“Those will be debates we’ll have over the next couple of years, and those are some tough choices,” intelligence official Kevin Sherman told me. “Do we reduce some of those capabilities have been very helpful in the CT (counter-terrorism) fight, that a lot of our combatant commands have relied on, in order to buy more exquisite things?”
Space Force: Go Slow, Learn From Army Air Corps
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The stakes are high for President Trump’s nascent Space Force because a poorly integrated service is a price America cannot afford to pay. This means a careful, thoughtful, conditions-based approach must be followed to assess if and when an autonomous military space organization will provide the best path forward. All four services will contribute to… Keep reading →
Trump Orders New Space Service; Will Congress Agree?
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We’ve already got soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines and Coasties. If President Trump gets what he wants, we may now have spacemen — but the Senate may say no.
SASC Doubles Down On R&D Budget, Pushing New Tech The Pentagon Missed
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The White House and Pentagon have been talking up the return of Great Power Competition with the rise of China and Russia, but the Senate Armed Services Committee is frustrated that the 2019 defense budget doesn’t put money where the rhetoric is.
The US Needs A ‘Coast Guard’ For Space: Semper Paratus Exteriores Spatium
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A battle has been underway for several years now over who will become the FAA of space and how they will do the job. Some wanted the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Tranportation, which boasts the great acronym, FAST. Some wanted NOAA or NASA. Most did not want the Air Force, which has had a… Keep reading →
Air Force Electronic Warfare Push Gains Steam; C-5 Gets 3-D Printed Door Handles
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We will probably never know much about it, but the Air Force’s top Electronic Warfare task force has completed its first scrub and should report to top service leaders in the next month or so.
Generals Worry US May Lose In Start Of Next War: Is Multi-Domain The Answer?
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“There is a good chance… we’d lose the opening stages of this war,” said one speaker. “Parts of the Pacific, parts of Europe are probably going to be overrun before we can gather ourselves.”
Fights Over DoD Bureauracy, Space Force Makes Tensions Flare on HASC
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House Armed Services Committee pushes through most of the Trump administration’s budget requests, absent some of the usual fights. But the return of sequester looms large in 2020.