Survey Says: MilCom Networks Are Fragile, Outdated
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Those polled said that resiliency and cyber protection are the two most valued requirements for future milcom systems. The survey also found that there is widespread agreement that the current acquisition systems in place across the Air Force, Army, Navy and DoD are too creaky.
The Fraying Edge: Limits Of The Army’s Global Network
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The Army wants a single seamless data system from home base to the front line. That’s even harder than it sounds.
Wearing The Network To War
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Army foot soldiers are going into battle with more and more electronics, wirelessly networked both to each other and to distant command posts. So can GI Joe be hacked?
Army Explores Robot Decoys & Cannon-Fired Jamming Pods
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Say It With Space Lasers: Optical Comsats For Major War
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Nine years after the Pentagon tried and failed to build laser communications satellites, can the private sector get it done?
2019 Forecast: Hard Choices On Invisible Warfare
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There are real signs of a renaissance in electronic warfare. Now comes the hard part: translating new strategies and concepts into doctrine, requirements, and systems in the field.
Pentagon Builds Mega-Database For Spectrum & Electronic Warfare
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The JSDR database won’t just keep American communications officers from mistakenly scrambling each others’ signals, either. By providing a comprehensive baseline of what friendly transmissions look like, the mega-database will make it easier for Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Electronic Warfare (EW) troops to hone in on enemy transmissions.
DARPA, Army & Team Platypus: Big Boosts For Artificial Intelligence
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The near-term payoff for military AI isn’t replacing human soldiers in the physical world, but empowering them to understand the world of radio waves. That’s an invisible battlefield which Russia’s powerful electronic warfare corps is poised to dominate in a future war, unless the US can catch up.
Army Takes Its Radio Network Commercial
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It’s all part of a wider effort to rebuild the Army’s command, control, and communications (C3) networks for war against a high-tech great power.
US Must Hustle On Hypersonics, EW, AI: VCJCS Selva & Work
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WASHINGTON: China is besting the United States in key military technologies like hypersonic missiles and electronic warfare, Gen. Paul Selva, vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs said today. We can still catch up, he predicted. What about Artificial Intelligence? That’s too close to call, said former deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work, so we’d better get a move on. Both men… Keep reading →