DUSDI Bingen: DCGS, TPEDS Slow Intelligence Sharing
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USDI Kari Bingen says that DoD’s mission “is hampered when we have to pay in time and money analysts and experts to manually translate data files … to makes systems and data interoperable because of proprietary data standards and formats.”
Artificial Intelligence AI
Chris Scolese
distributed common ground system
Ellen Lord
Gen. John Raymond
intelligence community
Kari Bingen
machine learning
Networks / Cyber
Patrick Shanahan
Project Maven
Senate Armed Services Committee
Tasking Processing Exploitation and Dissemination System TPEDS
Huge Intel Leadership Shifts: New Directors For NRO, NGA
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NGA HQ: The low grading noise you could barely hear yesterday was the sound of the tectonic plates of American intelligence shifting as the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Agency got new directors. The nugget of news is that Vice Adm. Bob Sharp replaces Robert Cardillo as NGA director and President Trump… Keep reading →
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