Army’s Miscues, Botched Buys May Doom Industrial Base
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In the difficult years since the 9-11 attacks, the U.S. Army has become proficient at quickly fielding equipment needed by troops at war. From improved night-vision devices to digital radios to up-armored vehicles, the Army’s acquisition community has proven it can be responsive when soldiers’ lives are on the line. But a very different story… Keep reading →
The Pentagon’s 12 Deadly Sins, Or How DoD Blew an Historic Chance To Recapitalize
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Washington: Lists can be fun and the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments issued a doozie today, listing the dozen big programs killed by the Pentagon and their value at time of death. “Over the past decade at least a dozen major programs were terminated without any operational systems being fielded. The sunk cost of… Keep reading →
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