Your Service Member is Experiencing PTSD; What Can You Do to Help?
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It has been estimated that up to 20% of service members returning to the United States from combat will experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some don’t believe that, however, as it has been argued that 20% is much too low, and that the majority of returning service members will experience those same symptoms at some point, whether it be paranoia, nightmares, memory problems, or something else entirely. Regardless of which number is ultimately correct, 100% of these service members return to someone—mother, father, spouse, sister, brother, friend. And, whomever it may be, they will likely witness a change in their loved one. It can be difficult to not only understand, but to accept, and that’s why we’ve compiled this list.
PTSD Isn’t Something of the 21st Century; It’s As Old As We Are
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Wherever this is war, there is some form of PTSD. But that hasn’t always been what it’s referred to as. In fact, it took quite a while for the symptoms to be diagnosed as such: for each war, there was a new name, and new points of view on something that has transcended time.
Progress! Steps Taken Toward Ending Veteran Homelessness By 2015
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The goal is to end veteran homelessness by the end of 2015, and to do so by providing homeless veterans with permanent housing. With a new round of funding underway, that goal is well on its way to being met.
More and More Mayors Are Pledging to End Veteran Homelessness by the End of 2015
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In the last three years, we as a country have decreased veteran homelessness by 24 percent. Even so, the goal remains to end veteran homelessness entirely.
This Powerful New Ad Really Shows the “Power of One”
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After the initial joy of reuniting with family and friends, veterans returning from the front lines often face a long and lonely struggle to reintegrate back into civilian society. The unique nature of military service can create an invisible barrier between those who have served and those who haven’t. The simple act of listening, however, offers a powerful antidote to the symptoms of PTSD.
10 Tiny Things You Can Send Your Deployed Service Member
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Care packages are fantastic but it's easy to run into some serious issues as you're putting it all together.
This Homeless Veteran Watches Helplessly As a Stranger Destroys His Sign… But What Happens Next Will Shock You Even More!
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Even as the stranger tears the sign into smaller and smaller pieces, homeless veteran Alan McCracken maintains his composure. Of course, you wouldn't expect anything less from our nation's veterans. But just when you think the situation can't get any worse, the unexpected happens.
Float Therapy: Can it be a Cure for PTSD?
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There may be an alternative treatment for veterans suffering from PTSD. Float Therapy, as the name itself hints at, promotes relaxation through a feeling of weightlessness, achieved simply by mixing water and Epsom salt.
A Message To The Depressed
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Depression can find all of us, and especially soldiers returning home from war.
One Man Has His Life Back Thanks To Some Caring Veterans. I Love This!
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Vietnam Veteran Seldon Perry Meyers has been disabled and restricted to a wheelchair for 20 years. A number of health issues has lead to his confinement to his wheelchair, and ultimately forcing him to live in his basement for the past 8 years. When the Cleveland chapter of the D.A.V heard about Seldon's situation, they stepped in to help. They worked together to install a chair lift which would allow Seldon to travel freely about his house.