Thanksgiving Comes Early For Veterans
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A 40-year old tradition that honors Iowa's veterans, this Thanksgiving meal offers veterans all the fixings of a Thanksgiving dinner. Honoring 85 service men and women who've served as far back as WWII, it gives these heroes the recognition that they deserve years later! Thank you Vets and Happy Thanksgiving!
Veteran’s Day 2012
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The Veterans Day National Committee ensures that Veteran's Day is observed all over America. Watch this fantastic video for students explaining why we love and support our veterans, not just on Veterans Day, but everyday!
US Military Tribute – Far Away – Nickleback
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Remember that all the little things that bother us today aren't as bad as what our troops sacrifice their lives for out on the field.
American Soldier By Toby Keith
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We thank the brave men and women of our Great Nation who willingly sacrifice so much for our freedom. Thank you. We will always remember. LIKE if you know someone in the military!
I Love My Scars
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For all the Marines who are coming home after being wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, we're here to support you for all your sacrifices!
Veteran’s Day Tribute: My Love
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Our soldiers are much more than just soldiers, they are individuals who mean something to us and who we can also call our best friends.
I Fought For You
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Just because it happened many years ago, doesn't mean our youth of today should forget about it. Let's educate the younger generation and remind them the freedom our country provides them is because of our past and present troops.
Jake Wood: A New Mission For Veterans
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Watch as Team Rubicon co-founder Jake Wood gives a powerful talk about how veterans can give back during the current disaster relief responses. We're all proud of our troops and veterans!
A Tribute For Our Heroes On Veterans Day
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To all the heroes have served our country, we thank you and honor you on this Veteran's Day. Thank you for all your sacrifices and for fighting for our freedom!