Dad In A Box
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What do three year old girls wish for when they are having a birthday party? Do they hope for a new doll? A new bike? Maybe they wish for a new set of dress up clothes? For this little girl, the present she received was so much better than any she could have imagined.
This Surprise Is Epic! Talk About A Slam Dunk!
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Bailey planned a surprise for his younger brother during a basketball warm-up.
Warm Welcome For Soldier’s Return
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Most homecoming videos we see involve the soldier surprising their family members and friends when they come home from duty earlier than expected. It's not everyday that a soldier gets to be surprised themselves. For one lucky soldier, that was exactly the case. Eric Blazier got a warm welcome at the airport when his friends and family surprised him with signs and hugs for his arrival back home.
Hand Delivered Surprise
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At a high school in Clearwater, Florida, an Army Specialist was nervously pacing back and forth holding a giant pink stuffed bunny. He had promised his daughter that he would send a gift from overseas in time for Easter. Instead of shipping it by mail, however, he decided he should personally hand deliver it. His daughter, thinking she was going out to eat with her mother to a nice restaurant, comes around the corner and her face lights up when she sees her dad standing at the end of the hall.
Veteran Gives His Daughter The Best Surprise With Some Mascot Magic
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Halftime shows during basketball games are always exciting, especially when you get the surprise of your life!
Troops Reunited With Overseas Dogs
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While overseas, many troops form close emotional bonds with the stray dogs that roam the streets. The dogs helped them cope and heal emotionally and saved their spirits while they were away from home for so long. One organization is partnering with soldiers and the stray dogs that they have found in order to reunite them together once again once they return home. As one soldier puts it, "He helped me survive out there, and now I'm going to give him a home and allow him to survive."
How Do You Spell S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E?
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A young girl gets a huge surprise after being asked to spell "sergeant" during her school's spelling bee. After correctly spelling the word, the curtains pulled back to reveal a much better prize than winning the spelling contest.
These Sisters Think They Are Sitting Down For An Assembly, But What Happens Next Is Awesome!
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Assembly day is always an exciting time during elementary school. You get a few hours away from class, get to sit next to your friends, and if you happen to be a little girl named Adrian or Emily, you get a huge surprise!
Emotional School Surprise For Lucky Sons
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Staff Sergeant Christopher Page has been serving our country for the past year, and has been away from his loving family. He decides to give his two sons a wonderful surprise when he becomes the star of the show during a school assembly. Get the tissues ready!
Santa Surprises Three Believers
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Sitting on Santa's lap is a magical time for a child. This is their one chance to ask for anything they want this holiday season. For some kids, that may mean asking for a new bike, a new video game, or the newest electronic. For three young kids in Pennsylvania, they asked for something much more meaningful. All these special siblings wanted for Christmas was for their dad to come back from Iraq.