Challenge Coin
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(Resub since I forgot to flair) Not a member of the military but I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I work on a college campus and recently had a challenge coin turned in to lost and found. It is a Navy Submarine coin if that matters and I was hoping to find out if there's any way I can find the owner so that it can be returned. Is there any kind of registry or way for me to get it back to...
Members of Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson's staff performed a 'clap-out' as Richardson and his wife Dana departed the Pentagon for the final time. Richardson served as the U.S. Navy's 31st CNO from Sept. 2015 to Aug. 2019.
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submitted by /u/NineteenEighty9 [link] [comments] |
Defense Department Officials: All CBD Products Forbidden to Troops
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submitted by /u/thinkB4WeSpeak [link] [comments] |
How the hell do you get fruit punch mre powder to dissolve?
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Followed the instructions and it is completely solid
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Korea decided not to renew GSOMIA. What are your thoughts?
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Basically, GSOMIA was a three way treaty between Korea, Japan, and the US where they would share N.Korea info with each other.
Now, Japan is basically left out of N.Korea intelligence.
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Why the Air Force is far superior to all other branches of the military...
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submitted by /u/PIZZASTRIKE_ [link] [comments] |
Australian Defence Force montage
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submitted by /u/coldbottledwater [link] [comments] |
I have a question about Warrant Officer selection and ALC
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BLUF: I applied for September’s board and am currently slotted to attend ALC this holiday season. I don’t know for sure, but I think that upon being selected all other school dates get cancelled and you wait for your new orders. Can anyone confirm? Thanks!
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Jet flyover today at West Point
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submitted by /u/StormKing36 [link] [comments] |