«Jihad-3» rocket launcher deployed by Saraya Al-Jihad
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«Jihad-3» rocket launcher deployed by Saraya Al-Jihad, Iraq. The «Jihad-3» Improvised Rocket-Assisted Munitions has a range exceeding 5 km. Iraqi Army Navistar 7000 series heavy lift vehicle, now in use as multiple Improvised Rocket-Assisted Munitions, or IRAMs launcher platform by «Jihad-3» launcher.
First footage of Iraqi Air Force T-50IQ
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Recently pictures from July 2015 of the first flight have surfaced. The Iraqi pilots that are flying the T-50IQ in South Korea have completed their training in Pakistan and are advancing in their F16 program. The Iraqi F16 training program encompasses training from beginning to end with the South Korean trainer being the last step […]
New Iraqi CH-4B Drones now in Operation from Kut Airbase
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On Saturday morning of October 10th, 2015, Iraqi Defence Minister Mr. Khaled al-Obeidi Khalid al-Obaidi arrived at Kut Airbase to see the launching of the Chinese CH-4B combat drone. It is vital to note that our site has previously reported about Chinese CH-4B combat drone in Iraq. CH-4 unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) is developed by the China’s […]
Iraqi police shoots down ISIS drone east of Ramadi
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Iraqi police shoots down ISIS drone east of Ramadi The Federal Police Command announced Friday shooting down a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for “ISIS” east of Ramadi. The command said in a statement obtained by IraqiNews.com, “The Anbar’s ninth emergency regiment belonging to the leadership of the provincial police was able, today, to shoot down […]
Bell 407 of Iraqi Army Aviation shot down near the city of Tikrit
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A Iraqi Air Force helicopter Bell 407 ( Registration: YI-125 C/n / msn: 54030 ) was reportedly shot down in the southern province of Salah al-Din, near the city of Tikrit. A security source in Tikrit told Spanish news agency EFE that another helicopter managed to save the two crew members of the downed aircraft. […]
Russia supplied Iraq new Mi-35M and Mi-28NE attack helicopters
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The next batch of attack helicopters Mi-35M and Mi-28NE “Night Hunter” delivered to Iraq transport aircraft An-124 “Ruslan”. This was announced at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2015. As previously reported, only until 2016 inclusive, Baghdad received a total of 43 combat helicopters, including 24 Mi-35M helicopters and 19 Mi-28N. These machines are planned […]
Iraq has ordered Antonov An-178 transport aircrafts
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Director of the company GP “Antonov” Mikhail nail in the exhibition of aeronautical engineering at the State Enterprise “Zavod 410 GA” announced the signing of a contract for the supply of new Ukrainian military transport aircraft for the benefit of the customer from Iraq. “Right now, we already have a contract with Iraq. We have negotiated […]
Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq
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On Aug. 24, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted five airstrikes using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 31 airstrikes coordinated with the government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, fighter-attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL […]
Iraq Army improvised Kornet ATGM mount
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Iraq Army improvised Kornet ATGM mount
Iraqi Army Air Corps’ EC635 helicopter armament upgrade
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Iraqi Army Air Corps’ EC635 light helicopters are now armed with SAWS package comprising 12.7mm machineguns, 20mm cannons, 70mm rockets and Ingwe missiles provided by South Africa and Airbus Helicopters. SAWS is suitable for any Airbus Helicopters light and medium helicopter products. The package features a Belgian FN Herstal HMP–400 12.7 mm machine gun, a […]