‘Strategic Agility’: Behind The Air Force’s New 30-Year Plan
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[UPDATED with Air Force release] This afternoon, the Air Force released a new strategy for “Strategic Agility,” the culmination of months of research to create an overarching framework to forecast the capabilities the US Air Force must have for the next 30 years. The Air Force’s strategy and the term itself was inspired by a 2013… Keep reading →
Budget Deal Proves That Congress CAN Take On Military Pay & Benefits Costs
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As bitter as the budget battle has become, there’s no topic more toxic than pay and benefits for military personnel. Pentagon budgeteers and the top brass warn that increasing compensation costs, especially for health care, are growing at an unsustainable pace that threatens every other priority from weapons procurement to combat training. But personnel advocates… Keep reading →
The Fiddler Crab Effect: State, AID, NSC Can’t Keep Up With DoD
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[UPDATED with Gen. Hayden’s comments] Frantic diplomacy seems to have forestalled US military action in Syria – for now. But we stumbled into negotiations at the last minute, only after President Obama had threatened strikes and asked for a vote authorizing the use of force, when Secretary of State John Kerry made an off-the-cuff, off-message… Keep reading →
Why The Army Matters: Human Factors And Killing
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FORT BELVOIR: The intellectual ice is beginning to break. You could see it at the Fort Belvoir Officers’ Club on Tuesday afternoon, where the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) hosted a three-day, tri-service conference on “Strategic Landpower.” The US Army is wrestling with how to stay relevant once large-scale counterinsurgency in Afghanistan comes to… Keep reading →
Our Nukes Cost More Than You Think; Stimson Pegs Annual Nuke Spending At $31B
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The defense budget is going down…have you heard? The presidential campaign is shedding a lot of heat, but very little light on this reality; you won’t hear much of substance about how or where it will go down. Or much sensible or reasonable discussion about how we manage a defense build-down in a way that… Keep reading →
Poll Finds Americans Ready to Cut Defense; Public Ignores DC’s Shadow Play
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In Washington, the defense budget appears to be the center of the universe. The House Armed Services and Defense Appropriations committees are adding money to the administration’s request (but not very much), and the House is voting today on a bill that would roll back the threat of automatic cuts (a sequester) that could lower… Keep reading →