Sequester Fears Paralyze Would-Be Wave Of Defense Acquisitions
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On the eve of the international Farnborough Airshow, a prominent aerospace and defense analyst says there is a wave of investment ready to pour into the defense sector – but investors are “paralyzed” by the unresolved threat of sequestration. “A lot of people in the industry and a lot of investment capital outside the industry… Keep reading →
Panetta & Dempsey Slam Sequester, Defend Afghanistan Strategy
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PENTAGON: Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey took the stage together at the Pentagon this afternoon, 12 months after Panetta took office, to urge Congressional action against sequestration and to defend the administration’s strategy in Afghanistan. The normally calm Panetta became audibly emotional as he discussed the sacrifices of the… Keep reading →
HASC Chair McKeon Sends Angry Letter To Sen. Reid: Get Moving To Stop Sequestration
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McKeon just posted letter to Harry Reid demanding Senate stop #sequestration: More from McKeon: SydneyFreedberg
HASC Chair McKeon To Senate: Stop Talking & Pass Bill To Fix Sequester
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WASHINGTON: House Armed Services Committee chairman Buck McKeon seethed with frustration at Senate Democrats today when asked about Senate Armed Services chairman Carl Levin‘s proposals for a “grand compromise” to avert sequestration. McKeon doubted any kind of grand bargain could happen this year, before or after the election, and said that the best plausible scenario… Keep reading →
Lockheed CEO Draws Grim View Of Sequestration Effects; Can’t Tell Workers Jobs Will Survive
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WASHINGTON: When Bob Stevens, CEO of Lockheed Martin, delivered his now annual speech before the Farnborough or Paris air show, he didn’t talk much about international sales or the Joint Strike Fighter or the military threats America faces. Instead, Stevens talked mostly about the mandatory budget cuts known as sequestration and the “fog of uncertainty”… Keep reading →
Hill Must Craft Sequestration Deal By Fall, Says Sen. Levin
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WASHINGTON: Congress must act by fall — before the election — and pass some sort of answer to sequestration, says the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Sen. Carl Levin told reporters that his colleagues are beginning to focus on the fact that layoff notices for hundreds of thousands of defense and government jobs… Keep reading →
Ex-DUSD Flournoy & Ex-Comptroller Zakheim Debate Budget, US Role In World
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WASHINGTON: The United States is still the world’s indispensable nation and we’ll probably avoid sequestration, albeit by the skin of our teeth. That’s the modestly reassuring message from the unlikely duo of Michèle Flournoy, who recently left her job as under secretary of defense for policy, and Dov Zakheim, Pentagon comptroller under George W. Bush.… Keep reading →
Senate Appropriators Grill SecDef About Cyber, Pakistan, And, Yes, Sequestration
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CAPITOL HILL: Apologizing to Pakistan, the economic impact of sequestration, and the possibility of a cyber-war “Pearl Harbor” dominated today’s hearing of the defense panel of the all-powerful Senate Appropriations committee. Sen. Dianne Feinstein — who also chairs the intelligence committee — asks Defense Secretary Leon Panetta why we couldn’t just apologize to Pakistan for… Keep reading →
Defense Layoff Notices May Flood Nation On Eve of Election, Thanks To Sequester
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WASHINGTON: Companies that do business with the federal government will have to announce “hundreds of thousands” of lay-offs just days before the November election, predicted the former Pentagon comptroller for George W. Bush. As sequestration approaches, said Dov Zakheim, the former comptroller, companies large and small will be faced with layoffs, which by law —… Keep reading →
Sen. Ayotte Keeps Up Drumbeat Vs. Sequestration At Today’s SASC Readiness Markup
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Ayotte re sequestration ( "It is the elephant in the room …. we cannot afford to kick this can to the lame-duck." SydneyFreedberg