Shanahan Finally Nominated, Confirmation May Be Tough
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The Acting Defense Secretary, with less than two years of national security experience under his belt, is poised to take over a department in the throes of a rapid modernization project, while rattling sabres with Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, China, and Russia.
Will Senate Ground Trump’s Space Force: ‘We Need Some Convincing’
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Sen. James Inhofe remains cool to the Space Force and most of his colleagues on a key Senate panel sound like they’re right there with him.
Dear Allies: Pay ‘Fair Share,’ Says Shanahan — Not 50% Plus
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Acting Defense Secretary Shanahan took it on the chin from a series of lawmakers Thursday, leaving the Capitol with a direct order to produce border wall details by the end of the day.
Space Command More Important Than Space Force: CSAF Goldfein; Trump Signs SPD-4
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WASHINGTON: The first concrete step to creating an independent force of trained and equipped space warriors occurred today — but that’s not the most important step on space the nation should take, the Air Force Chief of Staff said today. Setting up Space Command, so the US can more effectively fight any war that involves space assets,… Keep reading →
Artificial Intelligence: Are We Losing The Race?
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“I think Russia and China are in a better position than we are at the moment on Artificial Intelligence,” Sen. Sen. James Inhofe said. I asked if he would press hard for more money. Answer: “To me, there are other things that need to be done first.”
Trump Will Nominate SecDef: SASC Chair Inhofe
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“We need to have a secretary of defense; we’ve always had one, so I anticipate we will,” Inhofe told the Defense Writers Group, directly contradicting Trump’s predilection for acting officials. “I think he’s going to nominate someone.”
Hold Joint Armed Services-Foreign Relations Defense Hearings
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The best way for America to develop a consensus on what our defense and global security commitments should be is for Congress to have a lengthy series of posture hearings that delve deeply into these issues. They could be jointly held by the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees from the two chambers, patterned… Keep reading →
Space Force Will Have Seat On Joint Chiefs, Not Full Independence; Costs TBD
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PENTAGON: The Air Force has eked out a victory in the Pentagon’s latest proposal for a Space Force. While many in the Air Force would prefer to keep their current preeminent role in space operations and not create a new service at all, the current plan — to be submitted by year’s end for inclusion… Keep reading →
US Gives Russia 60 Days Before INF Withdrawal; NATO Comes Around
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After five years of talks and a wall of Russian denials, NATO and Washington call Putin’s bluff and say they’re ready to do something about Russian violations of a 31 year-old arms control treaty. But Europe is worried.
Trump Calls For Arms Control, Rips Own Defense Budget As “Crazy”
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WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump injected a fresh dose of uncertainty over defense spending Monday when he derided 2019’s defense budget — which he readily signed and has praised for months — as “Crazy!” The sharp turn in sentiment came in another dreaded early-morning presidential tweet that often shift the talking points for entire segments of… Keep reading →