Despite Missile Launches, North Korea Deal Still Possible Says Turner
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There is “a significant opportunity for the United States to come to the table and negotiate with North Korea and at least begin the steps to take the program back,” says Ranking HASC Member Mike Turner.
It’s All Nukes, All Night, At Intense HASC Markup Debate
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Democrats and Republicans sparred all night over nukes in the 2020 defense policy bill, but the Democrats had the votes. For now.
Congress, Pentagon Renew Old Fight Over 3rd Missile Defense Site
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The Pentagon has long worried about the multi-billion dollar price tag that comes along with building a new interceptor field and its infrastructure. Influential lawmakers want a permanent site built that will support close to 1,000 jobs in their districts.
Space Command More Important Than Space Force: CSAF Goldfein; Trump Signs SPD-4
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WASHINGTON: The first concrete step to creating an independent force of trained and equipped space warriors occurred today — but that’s not the most important step on space the nation should take, the Air Force Chief of Staff said today. Setting up Space Command, so the US can more effectively fight any war that involves space assets,… Keep reading →
Navy To Trump: ‘Don’t Knock Us Over’ With Budget Cuts
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“The waste would be absolutely stunning,” Secretary Spenser said. To cut the already-completed 2020 budget plan so steeply on such little notice, he said, “some of the scenarios will make your eyes water for what we will have to do” in his shipbuilding and maintenance accounts.
US Gives Russia 60 Days Before INF Withdrawal; NATO Comes Around
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After five years of talks and a wall of Russian denials, NATO and Washington call Putin’s bluff and say they’re ready to do something about Russian violations of a 31 year-old arms control treaty. But Europe is worried.
DoD AUDIT: Air Force Finds Mystery Motors, Other Highlights
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After waiting almost three decades to audit itself, the Pentagon still failed miserably in its first attempt. Despite top officials brushing the failure off an an expected learning experience, real questions remain over whether it can fix itself.
Fights Over DoD Bureauracy, Space Force Makes Tensions Flare on HASC
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House Armed Services Committee pushes through most of the Trump administration’s budget requests, absent some of the usual fights. But the return of sequester looms large in 2020.
House Approps Chair Promises Pentagon ‘Flexibility’ On O&M Funds
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Legislators will probably loosen some rules on federal spending to help the Pentagon cope with Congress’s failure to pass funding bills until six months into the fiscal year. Budget dysfunction has gotten so bad it’s forcing even the famously strict appropriations committees to loosen the reins after years of resistance.