This Is Going To Hurt, Acquisition Brass Warn At Sea-Air-Space
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This is going to hurt. That’s the grim message to defense contractors and federal workers alike from top acquisitions brass in the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard who convened at the Navy League’s Sea-Air-Space conference this morning to discuss the new “era of austerity.” Pressure to cut costs coming from the highest levels, as… Keep reading →
LCS Is Too A Real Warship, Insists SecNav
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NATIONAL HARBOR, MD: “The LCS is a warship and it is fully capable of going into combat situations,” Navy Secretary Ray Mabus insisted to skeptical reporters yesterday. Mabus was attempting to take the edge off last week’s frank acknowledgment by the Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Jonathan Greenert, that the Littoral Combat Ship is significantly… Keep reading →
Shrinking Coast Guard Must Cut Drug War To Boost Cyber, Arctic
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NATIONAL HARBOR, MD: The Coast Guard is shrinking and may have to cut back on traditional missions like fisheries protection and drug interdiction to free up resources for new issues like cybersecurity and the thawing of the Arctic, warned the service’s commandant, Admiral Robert J. Papp, this morning at the Navy League’s annual Sea-Air-Space convention.… Keep reading →
V-22 Ospreys Heading To UK, Okinawa; Will Carry White House Press
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NATIONAL HARBOR: UPDATED: Israeli Air Force Flew In CV-22 When In US; UAE May Be First Foreign Sale Last week’s crash in Morocco won’t slow down the V-22 Osprey program, which in 2013 can be expected to win its first foreign sale and is poised for visible growth over the next two years, the Marine… Keep reading →
V-22 Osprey Crashed After Dropping Troops At LZ; Mechanical Failure Unlikely
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WASHINGTON: The V-22 Osprey that crashed during a military exercise in southern Morocco, killing two Marine crew chiefs, had just dropped troops off in a landing zone on a clear day and was flying away when the accident occurred, military sources tell Breaking Defense. Those circumstances might seem to suggest that the tiltrotor troop transport… Keep reading →
LCS Couldn’t Survive War With China, But It Could Help Prevent It: CNO
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WASHINGTON: As Chinese and Filipino ships continue to face off in the disputed waters of the South China Sea, the Chief of Naval Operations acknowledged that the Navy’s prized new Littoral Combat Ship might not survive a shooting war against a well-armed adversary like China. But, Adm. Jonathan Greenert said this morning at a National… Keep reading →
V-22 Osprey Crash In Morocco Kills Two
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WASHINGTON: A Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey crashed in Morocco on Wednesday, killing two U.S. military personnel. Neither the cause nor circumstances of the accident were immediately available. Wire services quoting U.S. embassy spokesman Rodney D. Ford called the dead “soldiers” but military sources told Breaking Defense the only personnel aboard the aircraft were its Marine… Keep reading →
Kirk Lippold, USS Cole Commander, Pens ‘Front Burner: Al Qaeda’s Attack on the USS Cole’
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Eleven months before the 9/11 attacks, suicide bombers sent by Osama bin Laden blew a huge hole in a U.S. Navy destroyer that had stopped to refuel in the Yemeni port of Aden. Seventeen sailors died and 39 were wounded on the USS Cole on Oct. 12, 2000. Now, as the alleged mastermind behind the… Keep reading →
Marines Push Quietly, But Hard, For Navy to Replace C-2s With V-22s
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WASHINGTON: Landing a V-22 Osprey helicopter-style on the sprawling flight deck of the nuclear aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush was a snap, says Marine Corps test pilot Capt. Dan McKinney. With Lt. Col. David Weinstein, McKinney did it a dozen times on March 20 – six landings in daylight, six at night. After their… Keep reading →
Navy Lab Tests Firefighting Robots, Tiny UAVs At Sea And In Desert In DC
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WASHINGTON: I walked past a sandy desert, a littoral waterway and a steamy jungle and watched a human-like robot extinguish a shipboard fire, all in about an hour and without leaving town. It was possible because the Navy has opened a new Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research (LASR) on the grounds of the Naval Research… Keep reading →