A Glimpse Inside Special Forces Training of Top Afghan Cops; Rule of Law Vs. Corruption
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AFGHANISTAN: International Special Operations Forces play an important but largely unheralded role in Afghanistan. American Army Rangers, Green Berets and Delta Force, along with Navy SEALs and Air Force specialists work with the best from Britain, Australia, New Zealand and a host of other allied nations to kill and capture insurgents and terrorists. They also… Keep reading →
Which Pentagon Budget Numbers Are Real? You Decide!
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When the Pentagon released its budget materials and press releases last Monday, the press dutifully reported the numbers. The Pentagon’s “base” budget for 2013 is to be $525.4 billion, and with $88.5 billion for the war in Afghanistan and elsewhere added, the total comes to $613.9 billion. Indeed, if you plowed through the hundreds of… Keep reading →
Start Cutting U.S. Nuclear Weapons Down To 1,000
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We may well be on the cusp of another round of deep cuts — 50 percent or more — to the American nuclear arsenal. While nuclear weapons occupy a unique niche in America’s arsenal, they are fundamental to the nation’s strategic planning. Fewer nukes can mean more money for other national security needs, or for… Keep reading →
Fleet Size Still In Flux, Says CNO; Review Underway
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CAPITOL HILL: The new 285-ship fleet the Navy plans in its fiscal 2013 budget plan may change, pending the results of a new service-wide force structure review, the Navy’s top officer said today. The review, expected to wrap up within weeks, will outline how many hulls the Navy will need to meet the national security… Keep reading →
Iran Just One Of Rogue States ‘That Could Explode On Us,’ Panetta Tells Hill
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CAPITOL HILL: Despite recent major developments in Iran’s nuclear program, the effort has yet to cross the ‘red lines’ requiring military intervention, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said today. Testifying before the House Appropriations defense subcommittee today, Panetta said intelligence shows that Tehran has yet to transition its nuclear program into a full-fledged weapons program. “That… Keep reading →
FCC Moves to Kill $4B LightSquared’s GPS-Jamming 4G Network
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WASHINGTON: It has all the hallmarks of what could have become a very embarrassing political and technical scandal. A company called LightSquared got provisional permission from the chairman of the FCC to go ahead with a 4G system that the military said — unequivocally — would jam the crucial signals from Global Positioning System satellites.… Keep reading →
Deploy U.S. Diplomats Quietly To Explore Iranian Deal
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WASHINGTON: With battle lines drawn in the confrontation with Iran, the United States desperately needs an opening, a line of communication. Everyone seems to agree that the crisis over Iran’s nuclear ambitions is fed at least in part by a lack of understanding between the United States and the Islamic Republic, two states which have… Keep reading →
DoD Fast Tracks New Bomber; ‘Planning Number’ is $550 Million Per Plane
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CORRECTED THE PENTAGON: The Pentagon wants production of the Air Force’s new bomber put on the fast track, despite the program’s $500 million per-plane price tag. DoD Comptroller Bob Hale wants the bomber, known as the Long-Range Strike aircraft, to move as quickly as possible through the development and production phases. His comments came during… Keep reading →
Army Makes Big Bets On Small Programs; Train, Advise Mission May Spread Beyond SOF
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THE PENTAGON: While multi-billion dollar programs dominate the defense debate, the U.S. Army is quietly placing a big bet on a very small part of the Pentagon budget. The service’s strategy? Leverage the administration’s interest in rebuilding military-to-military relationships around the world – long overshadowed by the simultaneous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq – by… Keep reading →
Sequestration, Not Obama Budget, REAL Threat to Security: Panetta
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CAPITOL HILL: The Obama administration’s defense budget raises the risks to American security to an “unacceptable” level, if you believe Sen. Joseph Lieberman and a number of Republican members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. If you believe Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the risks are… Keep reading →