America’s Ultimate Weapon In Competition With China: Lawyers
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For years, American pundits and politicians have asserted that the People’s Republic of China was developing a high-tech shashou jian – sensationalistically translated as “assassin’s mace” – as a secret weapon against the United States. Ironically, though, it is the United States that has been fostering what could be a non-violent shashou jian against Chinese… Keep reading →
Marines Sail Back To Future With Bataan Deployment
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Libyan rebels, Somali pirates, Osprey tiltrotors, and a long, long time at sea: The future of the Marine Corps post-Afghanistan can be seen in what you might call “Yoda and Bart’s Great Adventure,” an extraordinary ocean journey that began a year ago Friday. This Yoda and Bart aren’t fictional characters, but the radio call signs… Keep reading →
Apache Crash Video Gets Laughs Online – But Helicopter Risks Are Deadly Serious
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A YouTube video of an American AH-64 Apache attack helicopter crashing in Afghanistan has gone viral, with commentators expert and otherwise chiming in on the pilot’s mistakes and appropriate punishments. The International Security Assistance Force told the Pentagon-supported newspaper Stars and Stripes that they “believe the video shows a crash which occurred in Paktika province… Keep reading →
Congress Fights Back Against Costly Delay To Virginia Submarine Program
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The cost of building Virginia-class attack submarines could grow by up to $600 million if Congress signs off on the Navy’s proposal to slip a Virginia from 2014 to 2018. Under heavy pressure to cut budgets, the Navy wants to reduce sub-building expenses in the short term, even at the price of increasing the program’s… Keep reading →
Safe Passage: Why The Pentagon Wants An International “Code Of Conduct” For Space
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“Safe passage”: That, in two words, is what Air Force Space Command chief Gen. William Shelton says the U.S. military will gain from an international “code of conduct” on space activities that the State Department is now negotiating – in the face of intense skepticism from some key members of Congress. Shelton and other Pentagon… Keep reading →
Don’t Bet on BRAC – Senators Reject Pentagon’s Base Closure Proposals
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The odds against base closures got a little longer today as a key Senate subcommitee raked Pentagon officials with skeptical questions about the Administration’s request for two more Base Reduction And Closure rounds in 2013 and 2015. Chaired by Missouri Democrat Claire McCaskill, who has publicly vowed to kill any new BRAC proposal, the Senate… Keep reading →
Bold Alligator: A Glimpse of Marine, Navy Future
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The Navy-Marine Corps team just completed the largest amphibious exercise in more than a decade. But what did people see? What did they recognize in the Bold Alligator exercise and focus upon? Because it is called an amphibious exercise, outsiders who attended the exercise tended to focus upon the amphibious ships themselves, the landing ships,… Keep reading →
They’re Here: Cyber Experts Warn Senate That Adversary Is Already Inside U.S. Networks
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With attacks on U.S. networks increasing even as both government and industry pour more money into defense, top officials told the U.S. Senate Tuesday that the nation needs a new approach – one that presumes an eternal state of cyber-war. “I think we’ve got the wrong mental model here,” said James Peery of the Energy… Keep reading →
House Strategic Forces Chairman Slams Obama On Missile Defense
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[Updated 2:00 pm with Boeing comment] The chairman of the House subcommittee on strategic nuclear forces slammed the Obama Administration today for what he called its lackadaisical approach to missile defense in the face of rising threats from North Korea, Iran, and – implicitly – China. “We all know that the world is getting less… Keep reading →
Something Small Biz Could Love: Risk Help From DoD
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If all you need is love, then every small business in America would be gearing up for its first government contract. No one gets more public love from more political and media figures than small business. But most small business owners, while they appreciate the love, never get that first government contract. It does not… Keep reading →