Army Reserve Training Goes Digital To Save Dollars
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WASHINGTON: To squeeze the most it can out of every training dollar in an era of shrinking budgets, the Army Reserve will rely more on simulators and long-distance learning to replace traditional drill weekends, outgoing Chief of Army Reserve Lt. Gen. Jack Stulz said today. Those efficiencies, in turn, will free up funds for ambitious… Keep reading →
Don’t Worry About Cyber Pearl Harbor
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WASHINGTON: Cyber Pearl Harbor. Sends chills down your spine, doesn’t it? With the enormous national theft undertaken by China from American companies and universities over the last five years it does seem a worrying prospect. And the idea of a cyber Pearl Harbor has become an ingrained tenet of much of the public debate about… Keep reading →
Get Stupid: Dumb Devices Can Stop Cyberattacks – If The People Are Smart
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WASHINGTON: On a fine spring day in the nation’s capital, I’m not the only one to succumb to the temptation to work from home instead of heading into an airless office building. But cybersecurity experts warn that when I log into the AOL server to upload this article, I’m also opening a door for malware… Keep reading →
Panetta To House GOP: Quit Fattening The Defense Budget
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PENTAGON: House Republicans will probably be seething after Defense Secretary Leon Panetta scolded them today for adding several billion dollars money to the defense budget. “If we’re prevented from retiring aging ships and aircraft that no longer fit strategic requirements, then Congress would be forcing us to look elsewhere for savings,” Panetta said at a… Keep reading →
Poll Finds Americans Ready to Cut Defense; Public Ignores DC’s Shadow Play
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In Washington, the defense budget appears to be the center of the universe. The House Armed Services and Defense Appropriations committees are adding money to the administration’s request (but not very much), and the House is voting today on a bill that would roll back the threat of automatic cuts (a sequester) that could lower… Keep reading →
Sequestration Would Break Faith With 225,000 Troops, Warn Top Generals
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CAPITOL HILL: The vice-chiefs of the Army and Marine Corps warned legislators today that sequestration would force the military and the nation to break enlistment contracts with up to 225,000 troops who would have to be precipitately discharged to save money. “We would absolutely not be able to keep faith with our people,” said Gen.… Keep reading →
Panetta, Dempsey Stage Unusual Joint Appeal For Law Of The Sea
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WASHINGTON [updated at 3:10 pm with comment from Heritage Foundation’s Steven Groves] : The Defense Department made a big push to break three decades of stalemate on the Law of the Sea, with Secretary Leon Panetta and Chief of Joint Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey staging a rare joint appearance today to urge the Senate to… Keep reading →
Admirals Rally Round LCS As HASC Attacks; Lockheed Takes Fire, General Dynamics Escapes
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WASHINGTON: Even as two Navy admirals praised the Littoral Combat Ship to reporters in a hastily convened conference call, the House Armed Services Committee ordered the Government Accountability Office to investigate the program. [CORRECTED (9 p.m. Wednesday) To Reflect That Navy Had Planned Interview For More Than A Week] “It’s disturbing that the Navy would… Keep reading →
Boeing CEO Warns Congress, WH On Sequestration: Job Cuts Coming
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WASHINGTON: While much of the defense press was focused yesterday on the HASC markup and the SASC hearing about the F-35, my colleague at DoDBuzz spotted a good story about sequestration. Here’s the core of Phil Ewing’s story: Boeing CEO Jim McNerney warned Tuesday that the threat of next year’s automatic, across-the-board budget growth reductions… Keep reading →
EXCLUSIVE: Navy Still Thrashing Out LCS Tactics, Design, Top Admiral Acknowledges
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PENTAGON: There are a lot of questions about the Navy’s new Littoral Combat Ships, high-tech vessels that are smaller, faster, more flexible, and more vulnerable to damage than traditional frigates or destroyers. In an exclusive interview with Breaking Defense, the Navy’s top surface-warships expert frankly acknowledged that they’re still working on the answers. Everything… Keep reading →