Gen. McMaster: Raiders, Advisors And The Wrong Lessons From Iraq
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WASHINGTON: On the tenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, one of the Army’s leading thinkers warned Washington not to learn the wrong lessons. [Click here from top Army generals on Iraq: Shock and Awe? Never again!] Army Maj. Gen. H.R. McMaster, now chief of the tank and infantry school at Fort Benning, singled out… Keep reading →
CJCS Gen. Dempsey Signals Strategy Change; Cites Sequestration, Decline Of State Power, Technology Spread
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UPDATED: It’s Official. Hagel Orders Strategy Review Done By May 31. Will Underpin QDR WASHINGTON: A meeting last Wednesday between the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and his five colleagues from the services and the National Guard, followed by a Thursday meeting between CJCS Gen. Martin Dempsey and the new defense secretary, Chuck Hagel. They… Keep reading →
Hoss Cartwright Heralds New Era In Warfare: ‘No longer do we troll for trouble; we predict it’
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WASHINGTON: A combat patrol is four soldiers walking, under orders to look for trouble and react to it. For most of modern history, infantry squads have been the military’s principal sensors, forcing an enemy to respond, allowing American forces to judge the situation and respond. But that is an always risky, often bloody way to… Keep reading →
Japan Struggles To Make ‘Long Overdue’ Increase In Defense Budget
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WASHINGTON: Japan is the proverbial linchpin of US strategy in East Asia. But linchpins sometimes break. As the US struggles to afford a “pivot” to the Pacific, its most important ally in the theater is undergoing a slow and painful shift of its own. The new prime minister, Shinzo Abe of the Liberal Democratic Party… Keep reading →
Cyber Attacks Will Escalate In 2013; Congressional Inaction Blamed
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NEW YORK (CNN Money): Security analysts are predicting that 2013 is when nation-sponsored cyberwarfare goes mainstream — and some think such attacks will lead to actual deaths. In 2012, large-scale cyberattacks targeted at the Iranian government were uncovered, and in return, Iran is believed to have launched massive attacks aimed at U.S. banks and Saudi… Keep reading →
European Defense Ain’t Getting Better: Budgets, People, R&D All Down
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WASHINGTON: You think US defense spending is a mess? At least we’re not Europe. A study out Tuesday from the Center for Strategic and International Studies warned that a decade of shrinking forces and funding is likely to continue, threatening a European defense industrial base already burdened by inefficiencies, national rivalries, and governmental tendencies to… Keep reading →
DoD Rebuts GAO Critique Of Okinawa Move EXCLUSIVE
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On Thursday, we published a story about potential problems with the long-delayed move of Marine forces from Okinawa to Guam and elsewhere in the Pacific outlined in a draft GAO report obtained exclusively by Breaking Defense. As you’ll see below, the Pentagon had not seen it. After the article came out, a Defense Department spokesperson,… Keep reading →
India Military Must Fill Gaps To Become Top Pacific Power: The Four P’s
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S. Amer Latif is a visiting fellow with the Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). The views in this piece are his own and do not necessarily represent those of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. India has a long way to go before… Keep reading →
Don’t Push India To Build Anti-China Alliance: OSD Official
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WASHINGTON: Things are going great with India — don’t screw it up. That’s the bottom line in a report from the influential Center for Strategic and International Studies entitled “US-India Military Engagement: Steady As They Go,” which the think tank previewed today as President Obama tours through Asia. “[Go] slow and steady, and the trajectory… Keep reading →
Army Fights To Keep Heavy Armored Brigades; GCV At Stake
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[updated with quote from Army source] WASHINGTON: The battle over the Army’s Ground Combat Vehicle isn’t only about one war machine and what it may weigh (80-plus tons) or cost ($13 some million). It’s just one front in a larger war over the Army’s armored heart and its role in the nation’s strategy. As budgets… Keep reading →