Air Force T-6s Return to Flight; OBOGS Monitoring Cited
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CORRECTED: Removed Reference To AT-6, Which Is Not Derived From T-6 WASHINGTON: The basic training plane for Air Force pilots, the propeller-driven T-6 Texan, is returning to flight almost one month after being grounded after a series of unexplained physiological events (what we used to call suspected hypoxia incidents). As is the case with most such… Keep reading →
Military Force Structure: Trade-Offs, Trade-Offs, Trade-Offs
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Mark Cancian, a member of the Breaking Defense Board of Contributors, knows budgets. He used to help build the defense budget at the Office of Management and Budget, the largely unheralded center of federal fiscal power. So when he picks apart the budget deal Congress recently approved (or any other one) you should pay attention. He’s doing… Keep reading →
No, Trump Nuke Strategy Doesn’t Doom Planet: DUSD Policy
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HERITAGE FOUNDATION: Just calm down and read the document. That, in essence, is the administration’s response to critics who call its new nuclear strategy irresponsible and dangerous. In fact, deputy undersecretary for policy David Trachtenberg said over and over here this morning, the Nuclear Posture Review is fundamentally conservative (with a small “c”). The 2018… Keep reading →
CSAF Predicts War In Space ‘In A Matter Of Years’
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AFA ORLANDO: It is only “a matter of years” before the US fights “from space,” the Air Force’s top uniformed leader said here. With that stark prediction, Chief of Staff David Goldfein went on to press the famously plane-focused service “to embrace space superiority with the same passion and sense of ownership as we apply… Keep reading →
CSAF Goldfein Speaks: JSTARS, Tankers, MDC2, Strategy, Money
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Air Force Chief of Staff David Goldfein leads perhaps the most ground-down service in the Pentagon. The service grapples with how to modernize its planes, grant its crews some reprieve from the stresses of flying or maintaining and supporting planes and satellites and still keep the United States the one true global power. Read what Goldfein says he’s doing to keep the Air Force in fighting trim.
AFSOC Adds Artificial Intelligence To Armory; Still Eyes Lasers
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AFA ORLANDO: Air Force Special Operations Command doesn’t speak much in public, for obvious reasons. The commander pretty much appears once a year here to speak with reporters, and for the last three years, mounting lasers on AC-130 gunships has been a top topic. The former AFSOC commander, Lt. Gen. Bradley Heithold, first announced the… Keep reading →
Eyes On Vulnerable AWACS, Rivet Joint, Etc., Air Force Studies replacements
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AFA ORLANDO: The Air Force, which relies on large vulnerable targets known as JSTARS, AWACS, Rivet Joint and other aircraft, knows it may need to shift its reliance on big, largely indefensible planes to fused networks of sensors as they are doing with JSTARS. That was the word from Gen. Mike Holmes here today when… Keep reading →
SecAF: Don’t Expect Large Budget Increases After 2019; $2.4B Set For Light Attack
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The Air Force placed a $2.4 billion placeholder in the 2019 budget to buy Light Attack Aircraft over the next five years, Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson told reporters this morning.
AF Budget: JSTARS Recap Finally Killed; B1, B-2 Bombers Will Be Too
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PENTAGON: The Air Force was eclipsed as the biggest budget winner this year, partially because of its decision to begin shifting from current weapons to new ones. The Army, which has greatly increased its commitment to land weapons, increased 14.9 percent and the Air Force is up 14.1 percent. Meanwhile the Navy Department — which includes… Keep reading →
DoD R&D Soars 24%, Procurement Up 15%; Army Up Most
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The Defense Department’s 2019 budget request dramatically increases spending on research and new weapons, less so on personnel and readiness. That’s as promised by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.